SystemTrayItem: QtObject [uncreatable]

import Quickshell.Services.SystemTray

An item in the system tray. More



Detailed Description

A system tray item, roughly conforming to the kde/freedesktop spec (there is no real spec, we just implemented whatever seemed to actually be used).

The associated context menu can be retrieved using a SystemTrayMenuWatcher.

Property Details


category: SystemTrayCategory

No details provided.


icon: string

Icon source string, usable as an Image source.


id: string

A name unique to the application, such as its name.


onlyMenu: bool

If this tray item only offers a menu and activation will do nothing.


status: SystemTrayStatus

No details provided.


title: string

Text that describes the application.


tooltipDescription: string

No details provided.


tooltipTitle: string

No details provided.

Function Details

void activate()

Primary activation action, generally triggered via a left click.

void scroll(delta: int, horizontal: bool)

Scroll action, such as changing volume on a mixer.

void secondaryActivate()

Secondary activation action, generally triggered via a middle click.