


Module Listing

All modules included with Quickshell
Quickshell Core Quickshell types
Quickshell.DBusMenu Types related to DBusMenu (used in system tray)
Quickshell.Hyprland Hyprland specific Quickshell types
Quickshell.I3 I3 specific Quickshell types
Quickshell.Io Io types
Quickshell.Services.Greetd Greetd integration
Quickshell.Services.Mpris Mpris Service
Quickshell.Services.Notifications Types for implementing a notification daemon
Quickshell.Services.Pam Pam authentication
Quickshell.Services.Pipewire Pipewire API
Quickshell.Services.SystemTray Types for implementing a system tray
Quickshell.Services.UPower UPower Service
Quickshell.Wayland Wayland specific Quickshell types
Quickshell.Widgets Bundled widgets