


Quickshell Definitions

Core Quickshell types
BoundComponent Component loader that allows setting initial properties.
ColorQuantizer Color Quantization Utility
DesktopAction See Configuration
DesktopEntries Desktop entry index.
DesktopEntry See Configuration
EasingCurve Easing curve.
Edges Top Left Right Bottom flags.
ElapsedTimer Measures time between events
ExclusionMode Panel exclusion mode
FloatingWindow Standard toplevel operating system window that looks like any other application.
Intersection Intersection strategy for Regions.
LazyLoader Asynchronous component loader.
ObjectModel View into a list of objets
ObjectRepeater A Repeater / for loop / map for non Item derived objects.
PanelWindow Decorationless window attached to screen edges by anchors.
PersistentProperties Object that holds properties that can persist across a config reload.
PopupAdjustment Adjustment strategy for popups that do not fit on screen.
PopupAnchor Anchorpoint or positioner for popup windows.
PopupWindow Popup window.
QsMenuAnchor Display anchor for platform menus.
QsMenuButtonType Button type associated with a QsMenuEntry.
QsMenuEntry See Configuration
QsMenuHandle Menu handle for QsMenuOpener
QsMenuOpener Provides access to children of a QsMenuEntry
QsWindow Base class of Quickshell windows
Quickshell See Configuration
QuickshellSettings Accessor for some options under the Quickshell type.
Region A composable region used as a mask.
RegionShape Shape of a Region.
Reloadable The base class of all types that can be reloaded.
Retainable Attached object for types that can have delayed destruction.
RetainableLock A helper for easily using Retainable.
Scope Scope that propagates reloads to child items in order.
ScriptModel QML model reflecting a javascript expression
ShellRoot Optional root config element, allowing some settings to be specified inline.
ShellScreen See Configuration
Singleton The root component for reloadable singletons.
SystemClock System clock accessor.
TransformWatcher Monitor of all geometry changes between two objects.
Variants Creates instances of a component based on a given model.