
PamContext: QtObject

import Quickshell.Services.Pam

Connection to pam. See the module documentation for pam configuration advice.

  • active bool

    If the pam context is actively performing an authentication.

    Setting this value behaves exactly the same as calling start() and abort().

  • config string

    The pam configuration to use. Defaults to “login”.

    The configuration should name a file inside Go to configDirectory.

    This property may not be set while Go to active is true.

  • configDirectory string

    The pam configuration directory to use. Defaults to “/etc/pam.d”.

    The configuration directory is resolved relative to the current file if not an absolute path.

    This property may not be set while Go to active is true.

  • message string

    The last message sent by pam.

  • messageIsError bool

    If the last message should be shown as an error.

  • responseRequired bool

    If pam currently wants a response.

    Responses can be returned with the respond() function.

  • responseVisible bool

    If the user’s response should be visible. Only valid when Go to responseRequired is true.

  • user string

    The user to authenticate as. If unset the current user will be used.

    This property may not be set while Go to active is true.

  • abort() void

    Abort a running authentication session.

  • respond(response) void

    Property responsestring

    Respond to pam.

    May not be called unless Go to responseRequired is true.

  • start() bool

    Start an authentication session. Returns if the session was started successfully.

  • completed(result)   ?

    Property resultPamResult

    Emitted whenever authentication completes.

  • error(error)   ?

    Property errorPamError

    Emitted if pam fails to perform authentication normally.

    A completed(PamResult.Error) will be emitted after this event.

  • pamMessage()   ?

    Emitted whenever pam sends a new message, after the change signals for message, messageIsError, and responseRequired.