IconImage: Item

import Quickshell.Widgets

Image component for displaying widget/icon style images. More


Detailed Description

This is a specialization of Image configured for icon-style images, designed to make it easier to use correctly. If you need more control, use Image directly.

The image’s aspect raito is assumed to be 1:1. If it is not 1:1, padding will be added to make it 1:1. This is currently applied before the actual aspect ratio of the image is taken into account, and may change in a future release.

You should use it for:

  • Icons for custom buttons
  • Status indicator icons
  • System tray icons
  • Things similar to the above.

Do not use it for:

  • Big images
  • Images that change size frequently
  • Anything that doesn’t feel like an icon.
More information about many of these properties can be found in the documentation for Image.

Property Details


actualSize: real

The actual size the image will be displayed at.

asynchronous: bool

If the image should be loaded asynchronously. Defaults to false. See Image.asynchronous.

backer: Image

The Image backing this object.

This is useful if you need to access more functionality than exposed by IconImage.

implicitSize: real

The suggested size of the image. This is used as a defualt for Item.implicitWidth and Item.implicitHeight.

mipmap: bool

If the image should be mipmap filtered. Defaults to false. See Image.mipmap.

Try enabling this if your image is significantly scaled down and looks bad because of it.

source: string

URL of the image. Defaults to an empty string. See Image.source.

status: unknown

The load status of the image. See Image.status.