
TransformWatcher: QtObject

import Quickshell

Monitor of all geometry changes between two objects. More


Detailed Description

The TransformWatcher monitors all properties that affect the geometry of two Items relative to eachother.

The algorithm responsible for determining the relationship between a and b is biased towards a being a parent of b, or a being closer to the common parent of a and b than b.

Property Details

a: Item

No details provided.

b: Item

No details provided.

commonParent: Item

Known common parent of both a and b. Defaults to null.

This property can be used to optimize the algorithm that figures out the relationship between a and b. Setting it to something that is not a common parent of both a and b will prevent the path from being determined correctly, and setting it to null will disable the optimization.


transform: QtObject

This property is updated whenever the geometry of any item in the path from a to b changes.

Its value is undefined, and is intended to trigger an expression update.